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We regard ourselves as an impact company. By revolutionising resource efficiency in producing seafood, we aim to have a significant positive impact, particularly on climate, biodiversity, and nutritious eating.

We aim to make our technology a new industry standard, reinforcing circular thinking among fish processors. The further we progress in our operations, the better we seek to measure our impact.

Our technology is designed to utilize raw materials that would have been directed outside food production. This allows producing food with little further burden on the climate. Calculating our products’ exact footprint is in progress.

Meeting the growing seafood demand by making better use of already farmed and caught fish helps avoid overfishing and minimises harm to marine ecosystems.

By producing applicable, easy-to-prepare seafood products, we aim to make it effortless for food industry players, food services, and consumers to increase fish consumption. This helps achieve nutritional recommendations that suggest eating fish for its fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

We have begun a systematic approach to sustainability, though we are very early on that journey.

We have aligned our approach and guidelines in sustainability and corporate responsibility in an ESG Policy. A sustainability roadmap from our prioritised tasks will ensure that in the coming years, we succeed in generating impact in line with our ambitions and addressing the shortcomings in our current operations.

Development of novel food technology on a factory scale implementation, enabling effective processing of underutilized fish.

Energy efficiency measures to minimize environmental impacts.

Further development of process technology and novel foods from underutilized fish, exploring broader use in food production with different raw materials, and assessing the carbon footprint of the process and products.

Yrittäjäntie 60
03600 Karkkila

Yrittäjäntie 60
03600 Karkkila